What is cervical spondylosis ?
Commonly known as cervical spondylosis, spondylitis, spondylarthritis or spondylarthrosis begins as a degenerative process in the central intervertebrak (body) joints. Subsequently it affects the posteriod intervertebral (apophysial) joints.
Symptoms of cervical spondylosis
- Pain and Stiffness at the neck are the primary symptons.
- Repetitive movements or posturak strains may give rise to pain on the posterior aspect of neck over the trapezius.
- If there is nerve root compression radiation of pain from shoulder to digits along the course of the nerve.
- Tingling and numbness present in the hands.
- Sometimes Muscular weakness or sensory impairment.
- X-ray show the joints space reduced in Osteophytes.
- In case if nerve root compression, MRI will give best result.
- It depends on the severity of the condition.
- Mild symptoms control with rest in the cervical collar, postural guidance with the help of physiotherapist & drug therapy like mild pain killers.
- Does hot therapy by heating pads / hot water beg etc. at home.
- In the severe cases there is stiff and painful neck with positive neurologica signs. Immobilisation of the neck in a molded or POP collar may be necessary for 6 weeks.
- Disc lesion with rupture of annulus may be treated by manipulation.
Physciotherapy treatment
- It is best for the Cervical Spobdylarthritis.
- For reduce pain & stiffness use physciotherapy equipments Ultra Sound, TENS & SWD.
- In case of Nerve Root Compression use Electric Traction for best result.
- Exercise can will be started when pain was reduced.
- Exercise started with the self resisted exercise of the Neck.
- (A) for Flexors (B) for Extensor (C) for lateral flexors (D) For rotators.
- Then start mobility Exercises. (will be done in very slow motion moves)
- Neck moves towards right & left as we do in saying 'NO'.
- Neck moves towards up & down as we do in saying 'YES'.
- Touching the ears to the shoulder. First Right ear & then left Ear.
- Close the hands towards the chest retract to back side.
- Keep the hands behind the head and try to touch the elbows each other.
- keep the fingers on the shoulder & do the rotatary movements in clock & anticlock direction.
- protues movement of shoulders. That is the touching of shoulder to the ear.
- Now a day’s its very common in young generation due to overuse of Computer, Laptop & Mobile.
- So to avoid Cervical Sponsylosis when using these devices match the height of device on the level of neck position.
- Avoid forward bending of neck for long time.
- Avoid keeping the neck in one position.
Dr. R K Marya
M.B.B.S , M.D.
- 30
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- Hauz Khas, Delhi