Dr Saloni Suchak is a practicing Obstetrician and gynecologist who specializes in High Risk Obstetrics, obstetric emergencies, Laparoscopic Surgeries, Pelvic reconstructive surgeries and infertility management apart from other basic obstetric deliveries and gynaec procedures. With an ICU back up and a team of physicians, anesthetists and pediatricians round the clock we offer tertiary care services and facilities in the field. In case of emergencies she is available 24x7. She practices full time at Suchak Hospital, which is a 65 year old hospital, one of the most well known hospitals in the city renowned for its state of the art medical facilities and top of the line services and boasts of its clean and ethical practice since the last six decades! She also practices at Benzer Maternity home , Lokhandwala complex Andheri west and she also happens to be the daughter of the famous Dr.Murari S Nanavati , one of the senior most and leading gynaecs of Mumbai city and the Head of Department of Obs and Gyn Lilavati Hospital. She is attached to Surya Childcare hospital , Namaha Healthcare , which is an exclusive womens hospital and to KHM charitable trust as well. She is a staunch promoter of normal deliveries in this day of rampant cesarean sections. I strongly support and encourage normal deliveries and also give my patients the option of painless labour. There is no better way unless ofcourse due to untoward complications during labour forcing a cesarean. 80% of my patients have a normal delivery.