Dr. Anubha Alghare is a well known Homeopathic practitioner in Yugantar, Awadhpuri, Bhopal and has an experience of 15 years in this field. At her clinic "Priy- Anmol Homeo Care with FIR Therapy", she has treated numerous patients with cold infections to life threatening diseases.Most prominent results have been found in cases of skin diseases, female disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, spine and nerves related disorders and depression. She is especially good with children and their problems. Children easily open up to her, follow her instructions and show remarkable changes in their health. Before this clinic, Dr. Anubha has practiced under the guidance of the world renowned homeopath Dr. R. S. PAREEK at Pareek's Homeopathic Center, Agra (UP) from 2006-2011. She has also been the Lecturer of Organon of Medicine at HHMC, Bhopal from 1995-2000. Over the years, Dr. Anubha has been giving guest lectures at various organisations and institutions on diverse health topics and on Homoeopathy. About MY Clinic: At your service for amazing permanent health and happiness: - Easy cure for the most difficult and chronic diseases - Effective cure of all physical, mental and psychological problems - Permanent recovery of health and happiness. Our objective is to: - Promote the benefits of homeopathy and its non-invasive healing power to all the people at an affordable price - Provide safe and relaxing healing by Far Infra Red Rays Therapy.FIR are Far Infra Red Rays which are emitted at the time of dawn that is sunrise, and since ancient times these rays are considered to be the most beneficial for general health of a human being.In our therapy system we use VTB2000 machine which is an expensive modern product of highly researched technology for producing deep penetrating FIR rays. This therapy not only provides the benefits of FIR but comprises of four other systems of healing too which are Heat, Acupressure, Magnetism, Hygiea( containing 19 essential micro nutrients of our body), along with pulse pad. This machine mainly works upon the spinal column which is the life line of human body and thus giving relief in numerous types of disorders.