Could Bleeding Gums Be An Indication of A Serious Disease?

When you think about dental health, the target is probable to avoid cavities in your teeth. But it’s vital to focus on your gums, too. Gums play an important role not only in your dental health, but in your entire well-being.

Population ratio in the rural areas sadly is low with lower than 2% dentists being accessible for 72% of rural population. Statics show the grim reality that 95% population in India suffers from gum diseases; just 50% use  a toothbrush and only 2% population consult the dentist.

In many examples, bleeding or swollen gums are the symbols of gum disease. However, there are multiple things that could cause gum problems. In these, bleeding gums are the most frequent sign of gum disease, but it can also lead to a number of other health problems.

Rarely Bleeding Gums can be the result of brushing your teeth very cogently or wearing dentures that don’t fix properly. Regular episodes of gum bleeding can be a sign of more serious conditions.

Observe that your gums bleed when you floss or brush can be alarming. What are the probable causes of bleeding gums? There are various reasons that gums may start bleeding during brushing, a few are temporary and several are of more concern. If you are concerned about your oral health then take an appointment with your dentist.


Causes of Bleeding Gums


Gingivitis is the first level of gum disease. Plaque on your teeth and at the gum line which is not eliminated by flossing and brushing can contaminate the gums and can cause the symptoms of gingivitis. When gingivitis happens, your gums may become tender, swollen and sometimes cause bleeding during brushing. This early level of the disease reacts well to good brushing habits and usual dental checkups.


Blood thinning medications is one of the possible causes of bleeding gums. These medications reduce the blood’s ability of clotting that can lead to easier bleeding. Let your dentist know about your medications and experience regarding these medicines.

New Flossing Routine

Changes in your flossing routine can cause bleeding gums.  For instances, if you haven’t remembered to floss in several days or if you have started to floss more often to eliminate food and plaque from between your teeth, then you can notice some bleeding. It should clear up in a week.

New Toothbrush

Moving from a soft-bristled toothbrush to a hard brush may also result in gums which bleed. Try to return to a soft or medium-bristled brush and consult your dentist about which toothbrush is perfect for you at your upcoming appointment.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Some of the pregnant women experience swollen and bleeding gums during brushing. It is known as pregnancy gingivitis. Hormonal changes during the period of pregnancy alter the body’s reaction to the bacteria which causes gum diseases. These symptoms should clear up after pregnancy. A dental checkup and daily brushing and flossing can help in preventing gum diseases becoming worse.

Bleeding gums can be a symbol of gingivitis that can grow into a more serious level of gum disease.


Apart from these, there are some other causes, those are:

  • Vitamin Deficiency (Vitamin C & K)
  • Periodontitis (A higher form of gum disease)
  • Lack of clotting cells (Platelets)
  • Leukemia (Cancer of the blood)
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Grinding Teeth
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Intake of Tobacco
  • Hereditary

The perfect way to find out what is leading your gums to bleed is to consult your dentist and dental hygienist.


Treatment of Bleeding Gums

Better dental hygiene is the first level in managing bleeding gums. Consult your dentist twice yearly for an expert cleaning. Right brushing and flossing can remove plaque from your gum line, decreasing your risk of growing periodontal disease.

Your dentist may also initiate you to use an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce the plaque which is createds in your mouth. A rinse of lukewarm salt water can help in soothing swollen gums that bleed easily.

Apply a soft toothbrush that is soft on inflamed gums, especially if you face bleeding problems after brushing your teeth. Medium and hard bristles can be very rough for your delicate gums. You may also consider applying an electric toothbrush. The particularly designed brush heads on these toothbrushes can help you in cleaning gum line more easily than a manual toothbrush.

Dentist can suggest a complete physical examination and blood work can help to resolve the cause of your gum bleeding. Treatment will be different according to your condition.

Dr. Saraswati Agrawal
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