Simple and Effective Ways to Stop Stuttering in Children

Stuttering is a speaking problem faced by children in their early years, especially the children who fall in the age group of two to five. Stuttering makes it difficult for your child to speak smoothly no matter it is a single word that they are speaking or a complete sentence. Stuttering among the children of age group 2-5 is normal and while they are still learning to speak you may also called this a learning or development phase.

The problem of Stuttering in Children lasts maximum for 6 six month in any child, However if the problem persists for longer duration like six months or even for an year then this is the time for you take quick action. In this situation the best thing that you can do for your child is hiring a speech therapist or language pathologist who has perfect knowledge of handling a child with stuttering problem. This can be the perfect solution to for the problem of stuttering in children.

Before starting the process it is very important to understand the nature of the child. You should use the ideas that are not disturbing for a child as it makes them nervous. Hiring a professional speech therapist is the right choice because these therapists are skilled and have all the tricks to bring your child at ease. Their ideas and ways of dealing with the problem of stuttering in children are very impressive and thus you can easily get rid of this problem in your child very soon. Early aid to this problem can be highly beneficial. Along with the speaking therapy the parents also play an important role in getting their child out of this weakness and support them in any way they can. An early intervention increases the chances of recovery in your child. A right atmosphere in the family and school with little modifications in speaking and listening can be a good way to support the fluency thus making them feel supported.

Stuttering in small children is not a thing to be worried much, as it is just a speaking difficulty and will be improved as the time passes but when the real treble is when the child becomes older and still have a problem of stuttering. Stuttering in grownups does not merely remain a speaking difficulty but it becomes more than that. The problem of stuttering in children with the age above five starts affecting them physiologically.

The Stuttering Problem becomes worse when it starts becoming an emotional pressure on your child. In such situation what a child needs is your moral and emotional support that can make him/her realise their self-esteem and importance. It is the role of the parents that is of utmost importance in resolving the problem of stuttering in children. They can create an environment that can be helpful in managing the speaking and listening skills of a child. By doing so, parents can effectively bring a downfall to the problem of stuttering in children and eventually treating it completely.

Dr. Durgesh Maheswari
M.B.B.S , M.D.
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