Symptoms and Causes of Strep Throat in Children

Symptoms, causes and risk factors of strep throat in children

Symptoms of strep throat in children are very common and can be treated with the help of antibiotics taken under the supervision of some good doctor. Proper medication, a lot rest and plenty of fluids are the few easy steps to say good bye to the problem of strep throat in children.

Below listed are a few signs and symptoms that are found in the children who are suffering with the strep throat problem.

  • Red and swollen tonsils
  • Red spots inside the mouth at backside in the top.
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Difficulty in swelling and throat pain
  • Nausea or vomiting (This problem may occur in younger children)
  • Body aches

There may be chances that your child may show one or more of the above mentioned symptoms and still do not suffer from strep throat problem.  The symptoms could occur due to some infection or illness. This is the reason why it suggested seeing a doctor once you find your child experiencing any of its symptoms. The doctor will understand the problem and will suggest you with the right medication so that your child can get well as early as possible.

Sore throat, cough and cold are easy to identify problems but in case of strep throat in children, it is not very simple to recognize. Strep throat is caused due to the infection of strep bacteria whereas the problem of cough and cold is caused due to viral infection. If your child experiences cold symptoms like sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, coughing etc. then it is less likely that your child is suffering from strep throat problem and it could be sore throat that usually gets normal in few days without any medical treatment.

What are the causes and risk factors of strep throat in children?

Bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes are responsible for causing the problem of strep throat in children. Also identified as group A streptococcus, these bacteria are extremely contagious and spreads by the sneezing or coughing of any infected person as it is carried by the airborne droplets that spreads when someone coughs and sneezes. The bacteria also spread with infected hands (while you shake hand with the infected person) or places (where anyone might suffer strep throat problem).

This problem is most common among children and can probably occur any time throughout the year. Though, it is more likely to occur in early springs. Going out and playing in groups can be one of the root causes of strep throat in children.

As this problem mainly occurs in children, it can be easily avoided by taking a few easy precautions. Below are the few steps that you should take to keep your child healthy:

  1. Teach them keeping yourself hygienic is very important to remain healthy
  2. Try to cultivate the habit of washing hands frequently (especially when they come home after playing or touches anything that could be contaminated) in your children
  3. Teach them to use sanitizer

Following the above steps not only keep the problem of strep throat in children away but also keep your child safe from other infectious diseases.

Dr. Durgesh Maheswari
M.B.B.S , M.D.
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